iPROX is a web portal to an institute’s licensed eResources available online such as a single journal (eg – American Journal of Psychiatry) or a database (eg -EBSCO). Technically, It works as a middleware solution for remote user authentication. iPROX as an eResource access Management software provides.
eResources Access Management System
iPROX- eResources Access Management System
Streamline your electronic resource management workflows, save time and resources.
iPROX enables for users, continuous access to the eResources they need without the hassle of remembering various passwords and usernames.
It authenticates users as per the authentication methods applicable on the Institute’s intranet and then authorises the users to access the e-resource as per specified DRM (Digital Rights Management).
What is iPROX?
- Seamless access of eResources to users from any location outside or inside the network
- Safeguards the access rights specified by e-resource publishers /vendors.

Single sign-on connects users to eResources
iPROX enables users continuous access to the eResources they need without the hassle of remembering various passwords and usernames. It authenticates users as per the authentication methods applicable on the Institute’s intranet and then authorises the users to access the e-resource as per specified DRM (Digital Rights Management).
iPROX supports several ways of achieving user authentication:
- It can validate a submitted Username and Password using the Institute’s Network Authentication (LDAP)
- It can be Integrated with SLIM library software
- It also provides for Users Management Interface, in case if there is no existing authentication mechanism.
In addition, access can be granted to an individual member for a specific period.
Characteristics of eResources Management System
You can make informed licensing decisions with regular usage reports.
iPROX as an eResource Management System for Libraries maintains a log of usage of e-resources. It provides usage statistics such as top e-resources visited, distinct users visiting e-resources, bandwidth utilised and more.
- iPROX protects the user’s privacy. It accesses the Internet on the user’s behalf, protecting the user’s computer identity information.
- iPROX as an anonymous proxy, uses its own rewriting capabilities. This makes the Internet activity untraceable, acting as an intermediary and privacy shield between a client computer and the rest of the Internet.
- iPROX is easy to set up on your network server.
- Members will logon to the iPROX using standard web Browsers (IE, Chrome, Mozilla)
- The authenticated member will then select from the list of e-resources presented by the iPROX
- iPROX will forward the user’s request to the e-resource
- The response from the e-resource will be received by iPROX21
- iPROX will display the response to the Member
- Libraries can use it to allow access to their members from inside or outside their campus to restricted eResources such as ProQuest, EBSCOHost, SpringerLink, Wolters Kluwer, LexisNexis etc. that authenticate users by IP address, HTTP cookies, Referrer address, HTTP authorization or Username/Password.
- Companies can use it to allow access to their employees from inside or outside their network to internal resources or subscribed third party eResources.
- iPROX will forward the user’s request to the e-resource
- The response from the e-resource will be received by iPROX
- iPROX will display the response to the Member
iPROX is based on Muse®Proxy and the license for the same is included in iPROX license. Muse® Proxy is a highly customizable multi-platform proxy server, easy to use and configure, acting successfully as a gateway to authenticated restricted content, rewriting web server, Web Access Management (WAM), proxy server and reverse proxy
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