We are living in a digital era. The libraries are getting upgraded and provide access to a wide range of e-resource formats such as e-books, e-journals, e-database, streaming videos, digital images, digitized documents, internet resources, and lots more. It is an ultimate challenge for library professionals to manage e-resources diversity. With so many e-resources and management needs, librarians may spend humongous time arranging these databases and setting up workflows (which may not help in the long run). Here comes the eResource access management system into play. The primary uses of e‐resource management are to organize and share information. What if we say you can access it securely anytime, anywhere? Well, here is where iProx21 comes into play.
What is iProx21?
iProx21 is a web-based eResource access management software. It works as a middleware solution for remote user authentication. The software provides seamless access of eResources to users from any location outside or inside the network. It safeguards the access rights specified by e-resource publishers /vendors. Libraries can use it to allow access to their members- inside or outside their campus and restrict eResources such as SpringerLink, ProQuest, Wolters Kluwer, EBSCOHost, LexisNexis, etc. that authenticate users by IP address, Referrer address, HTTP cookies, Username/Password, HTTP authorization. It can also be used by the companies to allow access to their teams from inside or outside their network to internal resources or third-party eResources.
Why Libraries must choose iProx21?
iProx protects the identity of the users while checking for the authenticity of their requests. And since libraries retain control of their usage log files, they don’t have to rely on content providers or other third parties for their library’s data.
iProx21 allows users to access the eResources anytime, anywhere without the trouble of recalling their long usernames and passwords. It connects users to the desired eResource with a single sign-in. The authentication of users depends on the authentication methods applicable on the library’s intranet. After authentication, it allows the users to access the requested e-resource based on the specific DRM (Digital Rights Management). If you are a user of SLIM library software, here’s a piece of good news for you. iProx21 software can be integrated with the iSLIM library software.
You can make licensing decisions with usage reports. Being the best electronic resource management system, iProx21 manages logs of e-resource usage. It provides detailed usage statistics and shows important data such as the most visited e-resource, unique users visiting e-resources, and lots more. Other features such as integrated search, single sign-on, easy email to users with article links make iProx the sought-after software.
How does iProx21 Work?
- iProx21 is one of the easiest eResource management systems you can work on.
- Suppose a member login to the iProx21 using the standard web browser (Mozilla, Internet Explorer or Chrome).
- The authentical member will proceed and select from the e-resources list, presented by the iProx21.
- Now, time for iProx21’s action. It will forward the member’s request to the selected e-resource.
- The e-resource will respond to the request and share it with iProx21.
- iProx21 will show the e-resources response to the member.
Get Set To Secure Your eResources By now you know what makes iProx21 a special eResource access management system. It is based on Muse®Proxy and the license is added in the iProx21 license. Muse® Proxy is one of the most customizable, multi-platform proxy servers. It is very easy to use and acts as a perfect gateway for restricted content authentication, WAM, rewriting web server, and proxy and reverse proxy. So, get in touch with our team to discuss your library needs and install iProx21. It’s easy; it’s secure!